Disaster Management- Syllabus

Course Code: TDM-881 Disaster Management
Program Name: B Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)
Semester: 8th


Unit - I

Introduction: Definitions and Classification, Concepts and definitions - Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability, Resilience, Risks Natural disasters: Cloud bursts, earth quakes, Tsunami, snow, avalanches, landslides, forest fires,diversion of river routes (ex. Kosi river), Floods, Droughts Cyclones, volcanic hazards/ disasters (Mud volcanoes): causes and distribution, hazardous effects and environmental impacts of natural disasters, mitigation measures, natural disaster prune areas in India, major natural disasters in India with special reference to Uttarakhand. 

Man-induced disasters: water logging, subsidence, ground water depletion, soil erosion,, release of toxic gases and hazardous chemicals into environment, nuclear explosions.

Unit - II

Inter-relationship between Disasters and Development Factors affecting vulnerabilities, differential impacts, impacts of development projects such as dams, embankments, changes in land use etc. climate change adaption, relevance of indigenous knowledge, appropriate technology and local resources, sustainable development and its role in disaster mitigation, roles and responsibilities of community, panchayat raj institutions/urban local bodies, state, centre and other stake holders in disaster mitigation.

Unit - III

Disaster Management (Pre-disasterst age, Emergency stage and Post Disaster Stage)
  1. Pre-disaster stage (preparedness): Preparing hazard zonation maps, predictably/forecasting and warning, preparing disaster preparedness plans, land use zoning, preparedness through information, education and communication (IEC), disaster resistant house construction, population reduction in vulnerable areas, awareness
  2. Emergency Stage: Rescue training for search & operation at national & regional level, immediate relief, assessment surveys
  3. Post Disaster stage: Rehabilitation and reconstruction of disaster affected areas; urban disaster mitigation: Political and administrative aspects, social aspects, economic aspects, environmental aspects.

Unit - IV

Disaster Management Laws and Policies in India Environmental legislations related to disaster management in India: Disaster Management Act,2005; Environmental policies & programs in India-Institutions & national centres for natural disaster mitigation: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA):structure and functional responsibilities, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF): Rule and responsibilities, National Institute Of Disaster Management (NlDM): Rule and responsibilities.

Text Books: M M Sulphey, "Disaster Management", PHI, 2016

Disaster Management- Syllabus Disaster Management- Syllabus Reviewed by R S Rawat on January 05, 2020 Rating: 5
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