TDM881- Disaster Management Assignment -1

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Course Code: TDM 881

Course Title: Disaster Management

Syllabus & Past Papers

Sets to be solved in the following order:
Roll no 1 to 15: 1st set
Roll no 16 to 30: 2nd set
Roll no 31 to 45: 3rd set
Roll no 46 to 60: 4th set
Roll no 61 to 75: 1st set
And so on…

Assignment – Submission Link (Session: 2019-20)

Set – 1

  1. Write the descriptive note on Inter-relationship between Disasters and Development.
  2. Discuss the Role of NGOs in Disaster Management (taking case study of the disasters).
  3. Prepare the First Aid Kit for major disaster types in table form.
  4. Explain the various Safety and Health tips to prevent and mitigate the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Set – 2

  1. Discuss the role of Communication Facilities in Disaster Management phases.
  2. Explain the Plan, Precautions and First Aid for Floods and Landslides disasters.
  3. Discuss the Role of Government Organizations in Disaster Management (taking case study of the disasters).
  4. Discuss the Recommendations for Exposure Risk Management in case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as disaster.

Set – 3

  1. Discuss the alternative Communication Systems during disasters in case the primary communication network get disrupted or jammed.
  2. Explain the major disaster likely to hit Uttarakhand. Also discuss the suitable disaster management practices to be undertaken by the Uttarakhand Govt/NGOs or Society.
  3. Describe the Human-Induced Disasters as the result of development. Also discuss the inclusive development practices which may not lead to disasters.
  4. Discuss the Guidelines for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management with Potential Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Exposures.

Set – 4

  1. Discuss the measures for prevention of various Man-made disasters.
  2. Discuss the Safe Construction Practices for mitigating the impact of land-slides and earthquakes.
  3. Describe the various practices for reducing the vulnerabilities and Enhancing Resilience against the common disasters.
  4. Discuss the possible reasons of the outburst of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).


Please refer the points for the assignment submission:
  1. Answer each question in 200 words or more.
  2. Assignment Submission: Handwritten and scanned with PDF (CamScanner)
  3. File Name(s) Assignment file name must be: C_Roll-Name_Assignment_no
  4. Upload the assignmentAssignment submission is essential for all (Learning, Training or Working).
  5. The assignments will also be used for Internal assessment (as essential credits in the semester).
  6. Assignments should not be copied from others.
  7. Upload the files to your G Drive and then share the link to me (access: link accessible) at following mail id.

With Warm wishes,
R S Rawat
Mobile: +91 9412379001
Faculty, Disaster Management

TDM881- Disaster Management Assignment -1 TDM881- Disaster Management Assignment -1 Reviewed by R S Rawat on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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