Management Infromation System (MIS) Question Papers
End Semester Examination 2018
MBA (Fourth Semester)
Paper Name: Information Systems Management
Section – A
Q1. Fill in the blanks/True-False (1X 5 = 5 Marks)
a) GDSS stands for __________________.
b) ________ is a decision support system that provides support for decision making by groups of people.
c) _______ is an information system that provides strategic information tailored to the needs of executives and other decision makers.
d) An __________ is a knowledge-based information system that uses its knowledge about a specific, complex application area to act as an expert consultant to end users.
e) ________ is the integrated management of core business processes, often in real-time and mediated by software and technology.
Q2. Attempt any five parts out of seven. (3 X 5 = 15 Marks)
a) What is an Office Automation System (OAS)?
b) What is Knowledge management System (KMS)?
c) Explain the Value Chain and Strategic IS.
d) Executive Support System (ESS)?
e) Discuss the requirement of Planning in Information System design.
f) Explain the role of Information Technology for Strategic Advantage.
g) What is Business Intelligence?
Section – B
This section contains two questions with three parts a, b & c each. Attempt any two parts of choice from each question.
Q3. (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
a. What is an information system? Explain the Operations Support Systems.
b. Discuss the Herbert Simon model of decision making model.
c. Explain the major components of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) information system.
Q4. (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
a. Discuss the importance of Information System as a sub-system of any organization.
b. Explain the Porter’s competitive forces model. Also discuss how it can help organizations improve their competitive positions.
c. What is Decision Support System (DSS)? Differentiate Management Information System (MIS) with Decision Support System (DSS).
Q5. (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
a. What is Data Warehouse? Justify its development cost over the benefits it may provide to an organization.
b. What is Business Process Reengineering (BPR)? Discuss the role of MIS in BPR.
c. Define On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)? Discuss the importance of OLAP in the present business environment.
Section - C
Q6. Case Study:
Design a Information system for AgriMart India Pvt. Ltd with the following desirable services:
Reduce the Suppy Chain from Farmer to Consumer.
B.C.A. Vth Semester, 2016-17
Paper Name: IIIrd (BCA-503)
Management Information System
Time: Three Hours MM: 70
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Define the terms data and information. Discuss the differences between data and information.
(b) What is an information system? Explain the utility of information in Business organization.
2. (a) What is data management? Describe the various characteristics of Information.
(b) Explain the taxonomy of Information systems.
3. (a) What is Management Information System (MIS)? State the functions of MIS.
(b) What is Decision Support System (DSS)? Differentiate DSS and MIS.
4. (a) Define database schema and subschema with example.
(b) Describe the methods used to organise data in a file-oriented environment.
5. (a) What is an Expert System? Explain the role of the Expert System in the context of today’s competitive business world.
(b) Explain Operational, Tactical and Strategic information systems.
6. (a) Explain the support of transaction processing system (TPS) in the operational decision making.
(b) Discuss the use of MIS for decision making in management hierarchy.
7. (a) What is prototyping? Explain its use in the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
(b) What is Executive information system? Discuss the functions of Information Resource Management?
8. (a) Discuss the various ethical and personnel issues in the development of Information systems.
(b) Explain the major security threats and challenges in the business information systems.
Roll No. |
Paper Code: TBC-405 |
End Semester Examination 2018
BCA (Fourth Semester)
Paper Name: Management Information Systems
Time: Three Hours MM: 100
(i) This question paper contains two sections.
(ii) Both sections are compulsory.
Section – A
Q1. Fill in the blanks/True-False (1X 5 = 5 Marks)
(a) What is the interactive computer-based information system that collects data on transactions and operations?
(i) Transaction processing system (ii) Decision support system
(iii) Executive information system (iv) Expert system
(b) What level of decision is appropriate for a manufacturing industry if it involves rearranging the work area, altering production schedules, changing inventory methods, or expanding quality control measures?
(i) Operational (ii) Tactical
(iii) Strategic (iv) None of the these
(c) Which of the following is NOT an objective of MIS?
(i) facilitate the decisions-making process
(ii) provide requisite information at each level of management
(iii) support decision-making
(iv) recruit people for system
(d) An ________ is a set of processes and procedures that transform data into information and knowledge.
(i) information system (ii) knowledge system
(iii) database system (iv) computer system
(e) The usefulness of management information depends upon which of the following characteristics?
(i) quality (ii) completeness.
(iii) timeliness (iv) all of the above
Q2. Attempt any five parts out of seven. (3 X 5 = 15 Marks)
a) What is an Information? Explain the relation between the terms data, information and knowledge.
b) What is Computer-based Information System (CBIS)?
c) What are the objectives of MIS?
d) What is Decision? Explain Decision Support System.
e) What is a Strategy? Explain Strategic Information System (SIS).
f) Explain the significance of planning in the development of MIS.
g) What is Customer Relation Management (CRM)?
Section – B
Each question contains three parts a, b & c. Attempt any two parts of choice from each question.
Q3. (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a. What is an Office Automation System (OAS)? Explain the various services rendered by OAS.
b. Classify the following as Office Automation, Executive Support, Decision Support and Transaction Processing Systems - Payroll, Electronic Mail, Statistical Software, Desk Top Publishing, Video Conferencing, MRP, and Imaging Systems like Cano-File.
c. What is planning? Discuss the importance of Planning in the success of developing a successful Information System.
Q4. (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a. What is Business Process Reengineering (BPR)? What is the contribution of MIS in BPR?
b. Can you visualize MIS without computers? Justify your answer.
c. Simon's Decision Making model? Explain its scope in any Business Organization.
Q5. (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a. Why is it important for MIS managers to continually track the technology developments in IT area?
b. What is a Database? Explain the use of Database in building the Information Systems?
c. Explain the terms Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
Q6. (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a. What is Data warehouse? Discuss the Importance of Data Warehouse in business intelligence.
b. What is an ERP? What are the major components of ERP?
c. What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system? Discuss the of MIS in supporting CRM.
End Semester Examination 2018
B. Sc (IT) (Fourth Semester)
Management Information System
(TBI - 405)
Time: 3:00 Hours MM: 100
Note: (i) This question paper contains two sections.
(ii) Both sections are compulsory.
Section – A
Q1. Fill in the blanks/True-False/Objective (1 X 5 = 5 Marks)
a) Technology that helps companies change business by allowing them to use new methods is called:
a) Data processing.
b) Information systems.
c) Information technology.
d) Virtualization.
b) A company-wide network, closed to public access, which uses Internet-type technology is called:
a) Intranet.
b) Internet.
c) Extranet.
d) All of the above.
c) The usefulness of management information depends upon which of the following characteristics?
a) Quality.
b) Completeness.
c) Timeliness.
d) All of the above.
d) Projections and responses to queries are information output characteristics associated with a(n):
a) DSS
b) MIS
c) ESS
d) TPS
e) Decision support system provides access to data and _________ tools.
Q2. Attempt any five parts. (3 X 5 = 15 Marks)
Explain the following terms
a. Decision Support System and Group Decision Support System
b. Management Reporting System (MRS)
c. Database System
d. Master file and Transaction file
e. Knowledge-based Information System
f. Qualities of Information
g. Internet and Intranet
Section – B
Each question contains three parts a, b & c. Attempt any two parts of choice from each question.
Q3. (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
a) What is an Expert System? Explain role of Business Expert System (BES).
b) What is a Decision? Explain the Simon’s model for DSS with the help of suitable diagram.
c) Explain the structure of MIS. Also discuss the various strategic roles of MIS in an organization.
Q4. (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
a) What is an information system? State the taxonomy of the various types of Information System.
b) Define the term “Planning”. What is the importance of Planning in the development of an Information System?
c) Write a note of System design. Explain the various tools used system design.
Q5. (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
a) What is Transaction Processing System (TPS)? Discuss the role of TPS to successful functioning of MIS.
b) What is Marketing Information System? Differentiate Traditional and Modern trend of marketing in detail.
c) Elaborate office automations system and its sub-types. Explain the recent trends in Office automation system explains with example?
Q6. (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
a) What is Financial Accounting System? Explain various components of accounting functions of FAS?
b) What is an “ERP”. Elaborate the main components of ERP along with the advantages.
c) What is an E-Commerce? Discuss the infrastructure required for E-commerce.
Roll No.
Paper Code: TBC504
Define MIS.
Summarize the characteristics of
Define Software Crisis.
Define System with example.
Elaborate the term CBIS.
Discuss the elements of DSS..
Define e-Governance.
Classify types of Information System.
What is Information Resource Management
Discuss the pros and cons of E Commerce.
making and also explain the various types of information.
Roll No.
Paper Code: TBC504
Management Information System (MIS).
is Strategic Decision?
Decision Support System (DSS).
Office Support System (OSS) with example.
What is Business intelligence (BI)?
is data warehouse?
IS Planning.
List the basic functions of Management.
Define Expert Systems.
Define Financial Information System.
Roll No.
Paper Code: TBI405
Summarize the
characteristics of software’s.
Define MIS.
Classify the
types of Information Systems.
Define Software Crisis.
What is
Information Resource Management?
Elaborate the term CBIS.
Explain Expert
Discuss the elements of DSS.
What are the advantages of better electronic
Comment upon the
pros and cons of E Commerce.
making and also explain the various types of information.
Roll No.
Paper Code: TBC504
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