Multimedia Technology and Applications

Unit- I Multimedia Introduction


Multimedia systems, Multimedia Characteristics, Multimedia Applications, Multimedia computers and systems, Multimedia elements – text, images, audio, video, animation and colour;

 Internet and Multimedia

Multimedia on the Web, Multimedia Communications;

Unit- II Multimedia Development

Development Phases

Developing Multimedia Applications: Stages of a Multimedia Project,  Hardware Software requirements, Authoring Systems, Multimedia Skills, Planning and Costing, Designing and Producing- structure, user interface;

Unit- III Multimedia 

Text Characteristics  

Text – Fonts and Faces, Serif vs. Sans Serif, HTML Documents- Hypermedia and Hypertext, Character Sets and Alphabets, Font Editing and Design Tools; 

Image Characteristics

Images – Bitmap and vector-drawn images, Bitmap Software, Vector Drawing, 3-D Drawing and Rendering; Color models, Image File Formats;

Unit- IV Multimedia 

Sound Technology

Sound - Power of Sound, Digital Audio, Making Digital Audio Files, File Size vs. Quality, MIDI Audio, Audio File Formats, Audio Recording;

Unit- V: Video & Animation   

Video Technology

Video - How Video Works, Analog Video- NTSC, PAL, SECAM, Digital Video – HDTV, Interlacing and Progressive Scan, Digital Video Containers – Codecs, Obtaining Video Clips,

 Animation Basics

Animation -  Principles of Animation, Animation by Computer, Animation Techniques, Animation File Formats

Past Question Papers:
2017 Mid Term
2016 Mid Term End Term
2015 Mid Term End Term
2014 Mid Term End Term
2013 Mid Term End Term
2012 Mid Term End Term

End Semester Examination 2017
 BCA (Sixth Semester)
Paper Name: Multimedia Technology and Applications

Time: Three Hours                                                                                                            MM: 100
(i)      This question paper contains two sections.
(ii)      Both sections are compulsory.
Section – A
Q1. Fill in the blanks/True-False                                                                         (1X 5 = 5 Marks)
a)      MHEG stands for the Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts Graphics?
b)      JPEG is a vector graphic format?
c)      Sample rate and _______ are components in sound quality set at capture time.
d)      The sampling frequency and bit depth for the acceptable DVD quality output is __________
e)      PNG and TIFF are the two image file formats?
Q2. Attempt any five parts out of seven.                                                                     (3 X 5 = 15 Marks)
a)      Define multimedia and multimedia system.
b)      What are the key characteristics of a multimedia system?
c)      What is meant by the term static and dynamic media?
       d)  What is multimedia authoring system? List the common multimedia authoring paradigms.
       e) What is HDTV?
       f)  What is an animation?
       g)  What is Digital audio?
Section – B
Each question contains three parts a, b & c. Attempt any two parts of choice from each question.
Q3.                                                                                                                     (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a.  What key issues or problems does a multimedia system have to deal with when handling multimedia data?                                                                                                  
b.  What is meant by the terms Multimedia and Hypermedia? Distinguish between these two concepts.
c.  Explain the recent trends in the development and applications of multimedia.
Q4.                                                                                                                     (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a.  What is font? Explain the terms font faces, serif and sans serif fonts.                                                                                                 
b.  Explain the use of virtual reality in learning & training, research & development, health & medical science, entertainment and business.
c.  What is a color model? Discuss the additive and subtractive color models.
Q5.                                                                                                                               (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a.  What major factors affect the Quality of Service of a multimedia applications?                                                                                                                                                                                                   
b.  Describe the stages of Planning and Production of a Multimedia Application.                                 
c.  What is a sampling rate? Discuss the effect of sampling rate and bit rate of the audio content.

       Q6.                                                                                                                               (10X 2 = 20 Marks)
a.  What are the types of video signals? Explain the usages of the different types of video signals.
b.  Calculate the data rate required for a 640 x 480 resolution colour monitor with 16-bit color depth and refresh rate of 30 Hz.
c.  List the software used for creating animation. Also explain the important features of these software.
Multimedia Technology and Applications Multimedia Technology and Applications Reviewed by R S Rawat on May 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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