BSCFTL 305: Computer Applications and Biostatistics Lab

Practical Contents 

1.             Execute "Internal Commands" in MS-DOS.
2.             Execute "External Commands" in MS-DOS.
3.             Create any 3 ".txt" files in MS-DOS and Copy the contents of two files in one single file.
4.             Create the "directory structure" in MS-DOS.
5.             In MS-DOS, Change the dos prompt: With your name, current date, current time, change the prompt to its original path.
6.             Create one MS-word file having name "INTRODUCTION" and apply "center alignment", Make the heading bold, Italic and underlined and do apply font style of heading as “ALGERIAN” and size “24” by including fields like: Name, Permanent Address, Current Address, Educational Qualification, Hobbies, Aim etc. Insert table for "educational Qualification".
7.             Create one MS-Word File for drawing a flow chart to calculate "Simple Interest", using shapes.
8.             Create a table in MS-Excel having name BCA having fields: Sr. No., Student Name, sub1_marks, sub2_marks, sub3_marks, sub4_marks. Calculate the "sum" and "percentage" of all the students. Also draw "pie chart” for showing the student percentage.
9.             Create one MS-excel for a "Automobile Garage" by having fields like "year", "Sale", "Car Name". Draw a "column chart" for year and Sale.
10.         Create "Attendance letter" for class MCA and send this letter at the address of all the MCA students using "Mail Merge" option.
11.         Create a list of 10 classmates. Create a "Thank You" letter using mail merge feature of MS-WORD.
12.         Using "IF & Else" condition find Grade in MS-Excel, if following fields are given like: places, Target, Production, achievement, Grade.  Grade is A+ for more than 100% achievement; Grade  A for 100% achievement;  Grade B  for below  100% achievement;
13.         Create a Power Point presentation with the main title "INTERNET ". Also add the following topics like: HISTORY OF THE INTERNET, INTERNET TERMS, and ADAVANTAGES OF THE INTERNET in Slides.
14.         Create a PPT File having a content of "Operating System" and do apply "Transition Speed" and "transition Sound" in it.
BSCFTL 305: Computer Applications and Biostatistics Lab BSCFTL 305: Computer Applications and Biostatistics Lab Reviewed by R S Rawat on August 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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