TBT-705: PYTHON Syllabus

B Tech Biotechnology (Seventh Semester)

Unit - I
Introduction to Python, Importance of Python, Installing and working with Python in Windows, Linux and Mac, using Python as calculator, Comments. Concept of data types, variables, arithmetic operators and expressions. String manipulations, subscript operator, indexing, slicing a string, converting strings to numbers and vice versa, split function.
Unit - II
Control flow, if statements, for and while loops, nested loops, short-circuit (lazy evaluation), range, function, break and continue statements, pass statements. Programs: prime number, Fibonacci series, guess the number game.
Unit - III
Data Structures, Basic list operations, Replacing, inserting, removing an element; Searching and sorting a list, Methods of list objects. Tuple, Sets, Difference between list and tuple. Dictionary - adding and removing keys, accessing and replacing values, traversing dictionaries.
Unit - IV
Python functions and modules, Defining python functions, calling a function, function arguments, importing python module. Classes and OOP: Class definition syntax, objects, class and instance variables, Inheritance and multiple inheritance.
Unit - V
Bio python, introduction to bio python, installing bio python, uses of bio python, sequence objects, concatenating sequences, working with sequences, parsing sequence file formats, comparing sequence objects.
TBT-705: PYTHON Syllabus TBT-705: PYTHON Syllabus Reviewed by R S Rawat on August 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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